Carbon accounting in geotechnical solutions of capex funded strengthening across the UK mainline railway
SupervisorsĀ ā Dr Simon Blainey, Prof. John Preston, Prof. William Powrie;
Research Group: Transportation

I completed my BSc (Hons) Fire Safety and Management at Leeds University, and on completion of this I worked for a large Fire Alarm manufacturing company for over a decade as an Engineer/Designer. During this period, I continued my studies at Ulster University and obtained an MSc in Fire Safety Engineering. Following a family break I returned to work as a Carbon Footprint Analyst for a large furniture company, where I stayed for over 8 years before deciding to return to full time study. I am very excited to be undertaking a PhD which encompasses carbon accounting as I am very passionate about environmental issues, particularly global warming.
Project Funders: University Studentship and Network Rail
Project details:
The subject of my PhD is the study of carbon emissions with regard to Network Rail’s geotechnical solutions across the UK mainline railway. As part of this research I will be looking to quantify and monetise the carbon contribution of each standard detail. I will also be investigating the carbon offset schemes required to offset these emissions. The outcome of my project will be a tool for assessing the above to help Network Rail demonstrate their journey towards becoming carbon neutral.