Supervisor: Dr Christina Vanderwel 

Postgraduate Researcher: Tomos Rich

Project description 

Two PhD students will shortly begin work on “Simulating urban air pollution in the lab”. The aim of this research is to apply novel laboratory techniques to simulate wind patterns and air pollution in urban areas. One project will focus on indoor air quality while the other will focus on outdoor air quality. These experiments will provide cutting-edge measurements that will improve our capability to model and predict urban air quality. 

They will become a part of a group of highly motivated researchers in the experimental fluid mechanics research laboratory whose efforts are directed towards using state-of-the-art diagnostics to understand the physics of turbulent flows. We are part of the National Wind Tunnel Facility of the UK ( and have several wind tunnels and water channels on site for studying experimental fluid mechanics (see

If you wish to discuss any details of the project informally, please contact Dr Christina Vanderwel, Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics Research Group. 



Simulating urban air pollution in the lab – Experimental Aerodynamics and Environmental Flows

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